
When should I get my Oil Changed in my Toyota?

Oil changes are an inexpensive and important part of a vehicle’s regular maintenance. Whether your used Toyota’s engine runs on conventional oil or synthetic not remembering to change your oil can cause problems for your car’s engine that exceed the time and money put into scheduling regular oil changes during the recommended time. As a vehicle owner in the Ottawa area, you may already understand why your Toyota requires regular oil changes and why this is very important to the longevity and overall performance of your Toyota’s engine.

Why Does my Oil Need to be Changed?

As you drive and the mileage on your vehicle begins to climb, the oil inside your engine is working to keep it running efficiently. After some time, the oil in your engine becomes thicker, dirtier and changes color from brown to darker brown. After the oil starts to get dirty it becomes less effective in lubricating, cleaning, and cooling the moving parts of your engine.

What Does Oil do for my Toyota?

The motor oil provides the imperative lubrication for the moving parts of your engine, which works to prevent these parts from creating friction that can cause damage to your engine. Not changing the oil can create friction that can cause the metal parts to heat up, causing your vehicle to eventually seize up.

When is it Time to Change my Oil?

Although it is important to pay attention to your vehicles recommended maintenance schedules, there are also some other signs to watch out for that let you know it’s time to get your oil changed. Here is a list of  the most common signs that may tell you that your vehicle needs fresh motor oil.

  • Loud Engine Performance or Knocking Noises: If your oil is old or dirty, it won’t lubricate the moving parts of your engine as smoothly and the higher friction will cause your engine to make more noise.
  • Check Engine/Oil Change Light: If this light comes on, it’s because your vehicle is detecting low oil pressure which can come from low oil, dirty oil, or an oil leak.
  • More Mileage Than Your Usual Commute: As a good rule of thumb, when you return from a long vacation or work-trip, change your oil right away.
  • Smell of Oil: If you can smell the motor oil from the cabin of your vehicle, it means there’s likely a leak and you’ll want to get that checked out as soon as you can.
  • Dark Brown or Black Oil Color: Checking your oil with the dipstick is easy and should be done anytime you’re worried or unsure about your oil quality or levels. If the oil looks dark brown or black, the oil has accumulated too much dirt or debris and needs to be changed.
  • Ticking Sounds When Starting: As soon as you start your used Toyota, the engine will immediately start circulating the motor oil. If the texture of your oil is off, the engine will need more time and effort than it should to run properly. This may cause a “ticking” noise as the engine warms up which comes from the valves working to move the oil effectively.


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